Deepika Sheleff & Devi Cavitt Razo
Deepika Sheleff & Devi Cavitt Razo

The Aurum Approach - ​Embodied, Connected and Real

Devi Cavitt Razo and Deepika Sheleff are co-founders of Aurum Leadership, a coaching and training firm that specializes in developing healthy human relationships, high-functioning teams and outstanding leadership.

We know that true leadership arises from a place of being, not a place of doing. Our approach is developmental, not technical - we train people to stand in their authenticity and power, to know themselves, their strengths and their weaknesses. This approach guides people to embody the dynamic, alive presence that already exists within each of us.

At Aurum we draw upon years of experience and training in multiple human development modalities to create transformative experiences.

We write about what really works in organizations and teams, and share resources to foster greater honesty, care and engagement. While we mostly talk about the wokplace, since people are people everywhere they go, these principles and tools are powerful at home, with family, friends and communities as well.

Connect with Deepika Sheleff & Devi Cavitt Razo
Deepika Sheleff & Devi Cavitt Razo

Deepika Sheleff & Devi Cavitt Razo

Deepika and Devi are co-founders of Aurum Leadership. We support leaders and teams to create healthy relationships that bring out the best in each other.